






Part One Intensive Reading

Part Two Grammar

Part Three Listening

Part Four 课堂巩固

 Lecture 2

Part One Cloze

Part Two Grammar

Part Three Listening

Part Four 课堂巩固

Lecture 3

Part One Reading

Part Two Writing

Part Three 课堂巩固

Lecture 4

Part One Intensive Reading

Part Two Grammar

Part Three Listening

Part Four 课堂巩固

Lecture 5

Part One Cloze

Part Two Grammar

Part Three Listening

Part Four 课堂巩固


Part One Reading

Part Two Writing

Part Three 课堂巩固

Lecture 7

Part One Grammar & Vocabulary 68

Part Two Cloze

Part Three Reading

Part Four 课堂巩固

Lecture 8

Part One Reading

Part Two Grammar

Part Three 阅读填表

Part Four 课堂巩固


Part One Cloze

Part Two Grammar

Part Three 首字母填空

Part Four 课堂巩固

Lecture 10

Part One Part Two Reading Grammar

Part Three 阅读还原

Part Four 课堂巩固

Lecture 11

Part One Cloze

Part Two Grammar

Part Three 盲填

Part Four 课堂巩固

Lecture 12

Part One Reading

Part Two Grammar

Part Three 阅读回答问题

Part Four 课堂巩固

Lecture 13

Part One Cloze

Part Two Writing

Part Three 语法填空

Part Four 课堂巩固

Lecture 14

Part Two Part One Cloze Grammar & Vocabulary154156

Part Three Reading

Part Four 课堂巩固



1. take…for granted 认为……理所当然

Many people take toilet paper for granted,but nobody is sure when toilet paper was first used

2. various = a variety of adj. 各种各样的….…

variety n.

vary v.改变

A number of people don't use toilet paper for various/a variety of reasons. The price of toilet paper varies with people's demands.

3. ignore = pay no attention to v.忽视,忽略

ignorance n.

Don't ignore/pay no attention to the importance of ventilation,or the house will be full of bad smells.

It is known to all that knowledge makes humble while ianorance makes proud

4.ventilation n.通风,空气流通

ventilate v. 使通风

well-ventilated adj.通风良好的

There is always full of bad smells in the subway because of poor ventilation

5. come up with 想出(办法、主意等)

put up with 容忍,忍受

catch up with

end up with 以……结束

Steve Jobs first came up with the concept for the Apple Stores and he said the stores would enrich lives.

6. as well as 像……一样好 除……以外(也);而且;

The doctor as well as these nurses was sent to the countryside to help sick people

If you walk to work, you will get some exercise as well as savemoneyso you'll be killing two birds with one stone.

Alex believes he will play chess as well as the computer games in the future.

7. experiment n./v.试验,尝试

experiment on sb./sth. with sth. 用……给……做实验

experimental adj.___

The doctor is experimenting on the dog with the new drug in order to fight the disease

Though many people opposed to experiments on animals,he made up his mind to continue his experiment.


时态名称 用法 例句

一般过去时 过去 的动作或状态 He visited his grandparents in the

countryside last week.

1.动作从过去持续到现在 I have lived in this city for twenty years.

现在完成时 2.强调过去动作对现在的影响 I have already watched the movie before

so I don't want to watch it again.

时态辨析二:一过VS. 过完般过去时VS.过去完成时

时态名称 用法 例句

一般过去时 过去的动作或状态 arrived at the airport yesterday afternoon.

过去完成时 过去的过去 She had left by the time Iarrived at the airport.


-、have (has) been to / gone to / been in

词组 用法 例句

have (has) been to 去过…… He has been to Beijing hundreds of times.

have (has) gone to 去了...… He has already gone to Beijing

have (has) been in 待在…… Mr. Brown has been in Shanghai for two years.

二、延续性动词 & 非延续性动词

非延续性动词 延续性动词 例句

buy have I have had the phone since last year.

borrow keep She has kept the book for a month.

begin/start be on The movie has been on for 15 minutes.

die be dead The dog has been dead for a week.

marry be married My aunt has been married for 20 years.

leave be away from He has been away from his family for two years.















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